I haven't heard of any problems with Revoke All, but it is dependent on your computer specs.

This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. Add file and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. No files were found matching the criteria specified. It gives the character every title in their realm strips the title of all your vassals and Distribute all titles with a one decision. A quick mod decision I made to help test No Hassles Vassals. Distribute all titles with four Decisions. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. Now supports characters who choose Enatic or Enatic-Cognatic succession by distributing their holdings to female vassals. If it doesn't get all your holdings the first time you've accrued more than titlessimply click it again. The same event then gives out up to 10 County titles province primary holdings. This is probably overkill but it should ensure it gets them all with one run. This isn't meant as a cheat, or a feature to give you a leg up - I set it this way because I almost exclusively use the Search Realm function to find prospective vassals.

Now that your own primary holdings are secure and flagged, you are ready to hand out the rest of the holdings! You are done! However, in the mod, it doesn't cost you anything. If you are given a job title by your liege your Marshal will also take over the flagging duties. The province flagging decisions for the Marshal act exactly like they did for the player, but are based on the Marshal's location instead. As a Female ruler, or as soon as a Regent is appointed to a child, your Marshal will take over the duty of flagging and unflagging provinces. Women and children have not been forgotten. If you select the province, you can see a province modifier a little green shield with a crown above it showing that you have flagged it. You must "Raise Your Banner" on at least one province before you can use "Distribute All Holdings" It won't let you otherwise - else you might give away all your landed titles and instantly lose! To flag provinces other than your capital, simply raise troops on that province and have your character lead the army there, then use "Raise Your Banner" again. To start, the player will see a couple new items in the Intrigue Decisions menu, the first being "Raise Your Banner.